Jumat, 06 Februari 2015

7 habits that can ruin your teeth

Dental Health-Dental Health Care is a very good thing and should be prioritized. Oral health for mediocre health care affects the whole body. Some of the habits that are often made many people unwittingly is pretty harmless and can damage your teeth. It is therefore not only take care of her through treatment but you should also give attention to the teeth with the how to avoid the bad habits that can ruin your teeth.

Kebiasaan yang Merusak gigi

Below is the usual habit of damaging your teeth. 1. Cigarette smoking
Kebiasaan Merokok Merusak Gigi

The smoking of tobacco is giving adverse effects on teeth. For he can dry out the mouth and resulted in simply presenting the plaque on teeth. So if you have the bad habit of smoking then you should leave for your dental health. 2. Chewing on ice cubes
Mengunyah Es Batu Merusak Gigi

Sometimes a lot of people who have a habit of chewing on ice cubes. It may sound good but these habits can cause tiny holes in your teeth that will enlarge and anti harmful to health. 3. Piercing the tongue
Tindik Lidah Merusak Gigi

Piercing the tongue is one of the fashion. But don't just pay attention to fashion alone you should be more worried about the health of your teeth. Wear a piercing can make tooth cracked because your piercing will easily rub together with the teeth. 4. Cough Liquid
Obat Batuk Cair Merusak Gigi

When experiencing cough you may be consuming a liquid cough medicine. However you should be careful because with the medication will damage your teeth with a very high sugar content. Therefore seek remedy with another alternative. 5. Candy Gummy
Permen Gummy Merusak Gigi

All kinds of sweets are harmful to the health of the teeth. But a very dangerous one is candy gummy. The remains of his bias only gooey on the gear and produce bacteria. Therefore if you want to eat it straight out of your toothbrush should be fine. 6. Drinking Soda
Minum Soda Merusak Gigi

The acid and sugar content high on a soda can cause bad health condition of your teeth. Too often drank sodas will essentially "wetting" your teeth with sugar and can cause damage to the teeth. Reduce the frequency of drinking soda and healthier as choices reliever drink i.e. water. Also by minimizing erosion on teeth with the way email the mouth with water after drinking water containing acids or soda. Try drinking soda straws through the hose to avoid direct contact with the teeth. Wait at least 30 minutes before brushing my teeth to avoid damage to the teeth. 7. Open a Item Using your teeth
Membuka barang dengan gigi

The habit of opening the goods using the teeth you should also avoid. Because with the number you use to open the item then the bacteria will be easy to enter. Other than that your teeth will get great pressure if the stuff you're hard.